Acing the Salary Negotiation – Know Your Worth!
Whether you are asking for a pay raise or just starting a new job, salary negotiation seems to be a very intimidating situation for a lot of employees. For any job or profession, it is a natural development for your salary to increase over time and it is also common for you to negotiate your salary when accepting a new job. Aside from the stress of trying not to sound demanding, you also need to find out how much your skills and experience are worth to come up with a job offer that is realistic and reasonable.
Instead of immediately saying yes to the first salary amount offered to you, below are some tips that can help you ask for what you want confidently and tactfully.
1. Know your worth
When stepping into a salary negotiation, it is vital to do your research. To sound reasonable, you have to know how much your role is worth and not just based on your personal financial needs. The salary range you will provide will be backed up by your research on what is appropriate for your role and experience.
2. Support your argument
Once you give them the salary range you think is appropriate for your role, it is also significant for you to provide concrete examples of how you will be able to help the company succeed and flourish. Talk about the hard skills and soft skills you possess that give you the ability to take the job with a higher salary. Basically, sell yourself.
3. Make use of the email
For employees asking for a salary increase, sending an email is just one way to negotiate their salary. Make sure that the recipient is either your manager and your HR. Generate a subject line that is straight to the point - you want your salary increased. Start your paragraph by letting them know that you are grateful and appreciative of the job that you currently have. After that, you can go directly to your purpose and state your points why you deserve a salary increase, and similar to personal interviews, you may also provide them a list of the skills and strengths you have that deserve recognition.
Even though people are usually apprehensive about negotiation, it is actually a skill that one needs. Before going into negotiations, it is important to think of an offer that would result in a win-win situation. Know your worth, and prove yourself.
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#SalaryNegotiation #KnowYourWorth #HighSalary #SellYourselfBetter